
Saturday 6 April 2024

[Walkthrough] Otomania ☆ Bloodlust Rebellion


  • You need Tickets to read the story. 
  • Prologue is free
  • At the beginning 3 Tickets are given for free. 
  • One Ticket restores in 2h 30min.
  • You need Rubies for Premium Choice scenes. 
  • You can exchange Rubies for Points.
  • Watch advertisement every 5 hours and get free 30 Points.
  • Play Minigame from Menu once every day and get free Points.
  • Watch advertisement AFTER playing Minigame to get x3 Points.

My commentary: You can refuse being close to any love interest (no Premium Choices) but in the end you still will be forced to choose one guy for ending. Happy love ending will happen either you want it or not. You can also restart the last episode and choose a different guy, even if you haven't interacted with him during the story.

Premium Choices in this game are pf two types: one is cheaper and the other one has Japanese voice-over but it is more expensive! 

From the game: If you selected the non-voiced premium, you will receive a discount on the voice premium choice on your second play through! 

P.S.: I played Season 1 only once or twice, so "+" is what I chose during the walkthrough. You can choose whatever answer you like. 

  • Thorne's Choices cost: S1 [178] Rubies (no voice) | S1 [243] Rubies (voiced) 
  • Elric's Choices cost: S1 [159] Rubies (no voice) | S1 [206] Rubies (voiced) 
  • Xavier's Choices cost: S1 [132] Rubies (no voice) | S1 [274] Rubies (voiced) 
  • Gideon's Choices cost: S1 [80] Rubies (no voice) | S1 [135] Rubies (voiced) 
  • Additional plot scenes: S1 [123] Rubies 

Season 1, Episode 1

  1. You're going back empty-handed? +
  2. What are the leeches up to now?
  3. Been lurking for long here? +
  1. Are they really necessary? +
  2. Why suddenly do it now? +
  3. Well, I won't wear one...

  1. The Blade Dancer. +
  2. The Hammer Guardian.
  3. The Whip Striker. +

Thorne's scene:

  1. Hang out with Thorne. [22 Rubes]
  2. Turn him down.
  3. Hang out with Throrne. [50 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

  1. Go looking for Thorne.
  2. Find another way out. +

  1. Leap off the cliff.
  2. Face the vampires. +

  1. You're from the Red Elite?!
  2. Why have you rescued me? +
  3. What do you want with me?

Season 1, Episode 2

  1. I think we can trust him.
  2. I'll remain on my guard.
  3. Maybe he can help us... +

  1. We come here all the time.
  2. What are we doing here?
  3. We're on a date, actually.

  1. Break the lock. [23 Rubes] <--- you will find a chest
  2. Leave it be.
  1. Speak out. 
  2. Stay quiet. +
Elric's scene:
  1. Go with Elric. [24 Rubes]
  2. Hesitate.
  3. Go with Elric. [44 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)
  1. Defend ourselves. +
  2. Reason with them. 
  1. No, absolutely not!
  2. Requested, you say? +

Season 1, Episode 3

  1. How did you find us? +
  2. Did Gideon send you?
  1. How may I serve Your Majesty? +
  2. You didn't have to abduct me...
Xavier's scene:
  1. Go with the King. [25 Rubes]
  2. Turn him down.
  3. Go with the King. [68 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)
  1. Ask for directions. +
  2. Confront them.

Thorne's scene:

  1. Invite Thorne to stay. [24 Rubes]
  2. Send him away.
  1. Two on two sounds fair. +
  2. It's both of us or neither.

  1. What if it isn't ancient at all?
  2. Maybe it isn't writing at all. +

  1. Fight our way out. +
  2. Reason with them.

Season 1, Episode 4

  1. Go left. +
  2. Go right.

  1. So we're hostages then?
  2. What do you need us for?
  3. What are you trying to hide? +

  1. Tell him I was held hostage. +
  2. Tell him our cover is blown.
  3. Tell him he wanted my help.

  1. The corrupting influence.
  2. The dissenting courtiers. +
  1. Follow the party. [24 Rubes] <--- you will join a crowd of "zombies" heading to the factory
  2. Let them go.

  1. Bolster our forces.
  2. Infiltrate the palace.
  3. Lead a guerilla war. +

Elric's scene:
  1. Ask Elric about his scar. [25 Rubes]
  2. Lose my nerve.
  3. Ask Elric about his scar. [65 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

Season 1, Episode 5

  1. I worry about the resistance.
  2. Do you think the King is right?
  3. This 'Nexus' thing troubles me. +

  1. Keep searching. +
  2. Cut our losses.

  1. Follow up on Elric's lead. [25 Rubes] <--- go to the location to find some intel
  2. Turn him down.

  1. I know things look bleak now. +
  2. We can't afford to rush in.
  3. We need more intel first.

  1. Put on the dress.
  2. Refuse to wear it. +

Xavier's scene:

  1. Slip away with King Xavier. [26 Rubes]
  2. Turn him down.
  3. Slip away with King Xavier. [61 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

  1. We should go check it out. +
  2. Let's get a team together.

Season 1, Episode 6

  1. Aren't I 'too primitive'? +
  2. What can I possibly do?

Free CG: Get a Photo with Thorne.

Thorne's scene:

  1. Go clubbing with Thorne. [25 Rubes]
  2. Turn him down.
  3. Go clubbing with Thorne. [37 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

  1. You mean... like a date? +
  2. I guess that sounds good.

  1. I've missed you.
  2. It's been hectic. +

Gideon's scene:

  1. Kiss Gideon. [28 Rubes]
  2. Turn away.
  3. Kiss Gideon. [53 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

  1. Finish him off.
  2. Let him rise. +

Season 1, Episode 7

  1. Why haven't I heard of this?
  2. How do you know Dr. Silber? +
  3. How long until it's ready?

  1. Nothing is guaranteed... +
  2. But Dr. Silber defected...

Gideon's scene:

  1. Visit the bar with Gideon. [26 Rubes]
  2. Turn in for the night.
  3. Visit the bar with Gideon. [56 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

  1. Our motives are the same. +
  2. You could always join us...

  1. Stay a little longer. +
  2. Leave right away.

  1. Seek comfort from Thorne. [26 Rubes]
  2. Pull away.

  1. Jutst read what's visible.
  2. Try to open it further. +

Season 1, Episode 7

  1. It's not how it looks...
  2. He'd never sell us out! +

  1. You're just like the Red Elite. +
  2. Was everything we had a lie?

  1. We can't give up now! +
  2. Gideon is no traitor!

Xavier's scene:

  1. Hear out King Xavier. [27 Rubes]
  2. Walk away.
  3. Hear out King Xavier. [63 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

  1. Engage in combat.
  2. Leave them alone. +

  1. Break down the door.
  2. Find another way in. +

Season 1, Episode 8

  1. What happened back there? +
  2. You holding up OK there?

  1. I want to eat proper food. +
  2. I want to revisit our past.

  1. Suggest a safer route. +
  2. Let him boost me up.

  1. Confess to Throne. [26 Rubes]
  2. Remain silent.

  1. Well, we couldn't just leave you.
  2. Was that your first ever kill? +

  1. Distract them. +
  2. Confront them.

Thorne's scene:

  1. Kiss Thorne. [28 Rubes]
  2. Turn away.
  3. Kiss Thorne. [53 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

Season 1, Episode 9

  1. Why should I do that?
  2. Where have you been? +
  1. Did you enjoy places like this?
  2. Do you miss your human life? +
  3. Do you regret your vampirism? 
Elric's scene:
  1. Explore with Elric. [28 Rubes]
  2. Turn to leave.
  3. Explore with Elric. [43 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)
  1. How much did it hurt?
  2. How did you get that? +
Free CG: Get a Photo with Elric.
  1. Kiss Elric. [28 Rubes]
  2. Pull back.
  1. I'm a friend of Elric. +
  2. I'm an ally of the King.
  3. I'm with the resistance.
  1. Find cover.
  2. Sneak out. +

Season 1, Episode 10

  1. Smile in return.
  2. Remain aloof. +
  1. That I wanted to kill you...
  2. That I despise the Red Elite. +
  1. Enter the blood vault. [26 Rubes] <--- inside Xavier tells that blood is given willingly and tease MC
  2. Keep going.
  1. Hide my tears. +
  2. Bare my heart.
  1. Not while the Red Elite remain.
  2. Someone has to keep fighting.
  3. It's all about the Nexus now. +
Free CG: Get a Photo with Xavier.

Xavier's scene:

  1. Kiss Xavier. [28 Rubes]
  2. Pull away.
  3. Kiss Xavier. [56 Rubes] (Voiced Premium)

Season 1, Episode 11

  1. Forget about the vampires.
  2. Gideon is the bigger threat. +
  1. Let's focus on the Nexus.
  2. I'll do whatever it takes. +
  1. Listen to my mom. [25 Rubes] <--- She tells about experiments with blood and Thorne
  2. Tell her to sleep.
  1. Why aren't you with the King? +
  2. Do you still trust your troops?
Elric's scene:
  1. Follow Elric. [27 Rubes]
  2. Stay put.

Season 1, Episode 12

  1. Put her ashes in a pendant.
  2. Store her ashes in an urn. +
  1. How did you meet Gideon? +
  2. Be honest, can I trust you?

Xavier's scene:

  1. Stay with Xavier. [26 Rubes]
  2. Go for help.
  1. Gideon? Is that you?
  2. Don't you dare run! +
  1. What are you exactly? +
  2. What did you do to her?!
  3. Why are you doing this?
  1. Why me, exactly? +
  2. I'll never submit!
  3. And then what?
  1. Demand an explanation. [25 Rubes] <--- More info about Thorne's origin
  2. Grovel.

Season 1, Episode 13

  1. Intervene. +
  2. Give up.
  1. What if we've made a mistake? +
  2. What if I have to kill Gideon?
  1. Come clean. +
  2. Brush it off.
Elric's scene:
  1. Submit to Elric. [27 Rubes]
  2. Reassure him.

Thorne's scene:

  1. Console Thorne. [27 Rubes]
  2. Deflect him.
  1. Why did you do it? +
  2. Was it all just a lie?
  1. No, I haven't changed my mind.
  2. What would happen if you died? +

Season 1, Episode 14

  1. Look away.
  2. Stare back. +
  1. Xavier.
  2. Elric. +
  3. Thorne.
  4. Gideon. [26 Rubes]

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